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The EASY WAY face fly fighter, mineral feeder and cattle scratcher, aids in the control of face and horn flies, mosquitoes, lice and other pests. Features a heavy pipe stand, large rubber mineral tub, large see-through supply tanks for easy refilling. The Cattle Saver also has long lasting nylon curtains, is adjustable for large and small animals and can be accessed from all sides.
The EASY WAY units are available with 1, 2 or 3 scratchers to fit your needs. Features a heavy case-hardened chain and has solid rub rings, no wear points, top or bottom, and heavy-duty self-adjusting pull spring. Maintenance is kept to a minimum!
Farmers choose the Cattle Saver to reduce pinkeye, eliminate parasites, increase gains, treat the entire herd at one station, apply chemicals evenly and for its easy adjustment.
Call today to order your Cattle Saver and see for yourself the difference in your cattle's development!
Easy Way Cattle Care manufacturers the highest quality cattle oilers and livestock pest control products available on the market!
Proudly made in the U.S.A.
Easy Way Cattle Care